Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Katara and Azula- Paparazzi

Nothing very interesting to report, so here's the Video of the Week. Katara and Azula- Paparazzi from Avatar: The Last Airbender by AviiAvitar02. Awesome job, although the ending is kinda creepy...enjoy!


  1. Darn, it's not on youtube anymore- I was curious why the end was creepy...

    1. Oh bother, I'm sorry about that. :( Most of these videos were put on here a loooooong time ago, so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of them are gone now. I should go through and see if I can find them again and re-link them.
      I tried looking for this one and can't find it. The user must not have tried to upload it again.
      If I'm remembering correctly, the reason it was creepy at the end was because the person had used the music video version of the song, which ends with a phone call to 911 and Lady Gaga saying she just killed her boyfriend. x_x Yeah...kinda weird. So of course, the person who they had made it look like was saying that was Azula. Nice touch for the crazy girl, don't you think? ;)
